Friday, February 6, 2009


I know this is long so bear with me

First I've got the box I made. I laid the car on it's side, and marked where the guide pins should be to not interfere with the form.

Drilled holes for the guide pins

Had to open up the holes a little bit with a file as I did not have a drill bit large enough.

Then put the guide pins in place. I accidentally bought one 2cm short, so oh well, there is a short one.

Then I drilled holes and placed the bolts that will hold the blank and act as the gate and vent in the finished tool

Painted the mating surfaces of the frame with wax so they wouldn't leak.

Placed my blank on the bolts I installed

And painted it with a light coat of olive oil. (probably didn't need to be extra virgin, but probably didn't hurt either!)

Then I assembled the side of the box with the attached blank

Getting the screws in place, just some final checks

We are ready for the first pour

The goal was to pour plaster halfway up onto the blank. This was much harder than it looks. I didn't mix enough plaster, so I had to make another batch.

I waited for this pour to dry, then painted it with olive oil as well

Second pour for the other half...jeez, again I mixed too little plaster. Next time I'll do some math and calculate volume before mixing

So here's what we got. I attached nuts to the top of the guide pins to hold it together (just in case)

First, I took the bolts for the gate and vent out of the side

Then removed the guide pins

Took off the bottom

And the sides

This is the result of my pours of plaster

Put a bolt back in a gave it a decided whack with a hammer (now that took confidence!)

Pryed the two halves apart with my hands, as I imagined that it was still quite delicate

And wouldn't you believe it worked

Ladies and gentlemen there you have it, I have made a tool

Pounded the guide pins back in place

Tightened them down, and will let this dry for a while

Total: 82 h

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