Monday, October 22, 2012


Good morning. Some thoughts after yesterday's post: If I'm starting to get the hang of how to use control points, lets put this to the test and make a design that is easier to work with. I really only need to design half at a time because the car is symmetrical down the middle.

How about working on support? This way I won't have to create so many points.

I'm just going to make four points in a square using support. Wherever.

And a four point patch using these points

Hit control points and change this to 5 control points in the direction away from the centerline.

Select the 4 left control points to make G3 continuity across the centerline and set diffusion to constant law.

Change to the front view and move it on up

I'm going to change the color of this surface because I'm getting annoyed with how hard it is to see white again this surface

That's better

Set this guy to G3

Set Nv to 8

Clear to see these new control points are not aligned properly for G3 continuity

But that is fine, they can be edited.

By selecting the points on the bottom, right clicking and hitting edit, I can see where they are located.

So now it's just a matter of making sure x and y are the same all the way up. I guess it would be good if z were evenly spaced too.

Something like that

So if I highlight all these points

I can edit the x position to -2200

Might as well move everything else back too

And might as well widen it out

Raise it up

And tighten up the curve a bit. I'll have to change the diffusion to "linear law"

There we go

Move those guys on the center line up to 705

This is going to get tricky now. I know the profile of the cockpit opening based on the 1993 FIA yellow book, so I'm going to draw it in 2d.

There we go

Alright, so I'll project this line onto my surface

Here I can see that I need to alter the shape of this surface, to lower the intersection to match my drafts.

So changing the diffusion law to linear and selecting all four control points, I can now start to lower the projection

Looks nice here:

But not here:

That's a little better, but I think I could use another control point

So set these ends to G3

And add another control point

That's pretty close to what I'm after

Looks good here

And here

So that is my starting point. I need the thing to start curving down at the bottom

So I'm going to back it off a bit

Extrapolate the edge

I'm only going to extrapolate it 100mm, so that I can set the G3 continuity and set up 5 control points

Now that fifth control point in the the v direction I'm going to manipulate to start making a shape

Something like that

Extrapolate again


Keep extrapolating and adjusting


Not working. Just because these are G3 surfaces doesn't mean they are nice.

I don't like the look of this analysis

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