Wednesday, February 11, 2009

More plaster disasters and CAD

I haven't written for a few's taken me some time to get over the disappointment of my molding failure. Here's what happened

Got ready to mix the ceramit.

Tried to pour it and everything went wrong. It was too thick, and my pour hole was too small. It kept on getting clogged in the gate. I didn't get a complete fill before the material dried. In retrospect, the gate and vent were poorly placed, I was never going to get a complete fill. Furthermore, I should probably study material sciences. The ceramit was a little harder than the plaster, so despite using olive oil as a mold release agent, the pour did not want to come free. When I finally saw the writing on the wall, I knocked it out with a hammer. This is what I got.

Here are my four attempts

Anyways, this failure led me to rethink my design process. I decided to give a go at designing the car in CAD. I'm amazed! Here are my results:

Total: 114 h

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