Thursday, January 22, 2009

Let's get it started

Well I received my book in the mail today, “The Modern Formula 1 Race Car,” and I really satisfied. It will make great reference material for scratch building.

I couldn’t wait, so I started today!

My first task with my newfound reference pictures is to make the Chesterfield logos that appear on the car. A while back I played with Corel Photopaint trying to modify the logo that appears on the real cigarette packages to look like the one on the car. I can see from my reference pictures that the logo on the car is a different font. Attempt one didn’t work. I downloaded a lot (and I mean A LOT!) of fonts and started to browse through them, but it was taking too much time, was too boring, and anyway, the font probably wasn’t in there. Second attempt failed.

So I got a new plan. I went and bought some black paper. I took some preliminary measurements and then I starting taping cut out black paper on white paper.

Once I was satisfied with my templates, I began taking measurements and drawing out the letters in reverse negative on the black paper and cutting them out.

Here is my work area

“S”s are difficult

And here it is, I’m quite satisfied with my work

Total: 8 h

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