Friday, November 18, 2011

Damper Piston rod and top eye

The Piston rod is going to be hella easy

1/2 inch (12.7mm) circle



Save and put into assembly

Top eye shouldn't be too bad, based on my reference pictures, it's basically the same as the lower eye


Little circular pad on the bottom


I'm going to "cheat" and just copy a sketch from the damper body to save some time


Switch to generative shape design workbench, unhide the sketch from the groove and make symmetrical


Pocket to hold the spherical plain bearing 1"=25.4mm

Chamfer .5mm 45 degrees Fillet .5mm

It seems that there are a wide variety of top eyes for this damper, so I'm going to deviate heavily from the technical drawings again to represent what I most consistantly see in my reference photos

Changed the radius of the fillet to 6mm

Shorten it up a bit

Make a sketch for a shaft

Shaft and fillet

Apply material

I'm also going to put a hole in the bottom to help line it up with the piston rod

Save it and put it into the assembly

Add a bearing to the assembly

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