Wednesday, November 2, 2011

F1 car design in Catia V5 xiii

Next up, I'm going to connect the top and bottom of the nose and monocoque, but only up until where the sidepods connect with the monocoque.

Create some new geometric sets, and create a sweep at x=-1725 to cut the surfaces with.

Split the top and the bottom

By definition of the mult-sections surfaces, they must interect the guidelines used to create them. So next I'm going to split some guidelines using the same plane.

Apply symmetry to these split lines. Hide the cutting surface

Ok, use these new guide lines to split the nose/monocoque

Now use the same guidelines to blend the top and bottom using tangency continuity

Join them up, federating all

Having done this, now the front part and back part no longer have a tangent connection

Looking above at the reference lines, NOSE-MONOCOQUE-AIRBOX TOP PROFILE ON SIDEPODS and NOSE-MONOCOQUE LOWER PROFILE should have the same y= value at x=-2000

So let's split Join.29 under CONNECTION OF NOSE - MONOCOQUE - AIRBOX TOP at x=-2000, keeping both sides.

And again at x=-1725 again keeping both sides, we'll have to extract the side we're working on, as it's not continuous with the surface on the other side.

Bring up the relevant guidelines again

 In the freestyle workbench, disassemble this split

Hide all but the upper part of the disassembled surface the the front join.

Unhide the airbox portion of the split at x=-2000

Extract edges

Split the extracted edge at x=-2000


Make a sweep in the zx direction to cut the extracted edge with

Split the extracted edge with the new sweep

Create a multi-sections surfaces using the extracted and split edges as profiles and the lower edge of the upper surfaces as a guide. Use surrounding surfaces as support throughout.

Looks a bit weird on the bottom when you look from the side, but it doesn't matter, we're going to split this later anyway.

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