Thursday, November 17, 2011

Koni 2812 gas filling bolt

Adding more detail to my dampers. Going to do the gas filling bolt, dowty seal and mating surface.

Don't really have much in terms of technical drawings or decent reference pictures, so I'm just going to have to wing it here.

First will be the mating surface.


And fillet

Also, pocket a hole here for the gas filling bolt to go into. I'll make it smaller than it needs to be so I can easily adjust the size of the bolt.

New part for the filling bolt

I'm going to have to do this visually, so I just threw a couple of pads together for the time being

Put it into the assembly. My first guess was wildly off, this thing is way too big

That's better

I'll have to resize the mating surface too. We can see these operations were not too kind to the sticker that was already applied.

Ok, time to make it into a bolt, not just a couple of pads.

I love me some traceparts

Hex head cap screw is going to be something like ISO 4762.

Isn't the internet wonderful? ISO 4762:1997

How about just opening it up from the Catia part catalog?

I'm going to apply a material to this and save it in a different folder for my visualization. Click on the last action under the PartBody tree and apply material.

I'll just make some changes to the Rendering properties

And replace it into the damper assembly

Oops, I chose the wrong size

That's better

Everything you ever wanted to know about dowty seals

And it looks like this is inset into the damper body

Seal in place

Gas Filling Bolt in Place

I think I'm going to make a big of a sticker change here, as it would seem unlikely branding that Koni would put this in the middle of their logo.

The seal seems a little too bright, so I'm going to change the material of it to dull it down a bit.

That'll do it for the bottom

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